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100 N Edwards St, Kalamazoo
MI 49007, USA
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100 N Edwards St, Kalamazoo
We have 25+ years of experiences for give you better quality results.
Is a sole proprietor architecture firm in the Kalamazoo MI area. Now celebrating 25 years in business, I have been in general practice since graduating in1984 from University of Michigan School of Architecture. My goal is not to create a museum nor a monument to myself, but to create a complete design to be lived in and used comfortably and efficiently by the people inhabiting it.
I take pride in offering solid designs and having the flexibility to package projects in all levels of services depending on the client’s needs. Getting to know the client and unraveling their needs and priorities and fitting it all together in a code compliant and aesthetic package is my mission. It is my belief that a professional design will increase the value of a structure and pay for the design fee upon its sale, which the importance of is magnified by the high cost of construction today.
Call anytime
(269) 343-0040